Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Need To Call Us? - Benefit Office at  (925) 208-9996

How do I?
  • Your Benefits Resourse

    Register today!  

    Quickly and securely register using our improved website registration process! Have your personal information at your fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Click on "Create an Account" above to get started. You will need to know your name, date of birth, SNN or Alternate ID and zip code as they are recorded in the Trust Office. Problems? Click on contact us.


    Summary of Benefits and Coverage (or SBC)
    The Trust Fund Office mailed the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) to Active and non-Medicare Retirees on January 9, 2020. The SBC provides a summary of the benefits and coverage offered by each of the medical plans available to you through the IBEW Local 595 Health & Welfare Plan. Please do not hesitate to contact the Trust Fund Office at 888-512-5863 if you have any questions!

    How to Access Your HRA Balance
    Your new Benny Card offers 24/7 access to your HRA balance and other features. To utilize these features please visit BeneCard. You will need to register first. You may register by clicking the 'Please Register' link on the BeneCard. You will be prompted to enter your Member ID, which is your Social Security Number, your Benny Card number (please only use the new Benny Card number on the new Benny Card that should arrive next week), and your zip code. It's that simple! Please do not hesitate to contact the Trust Fund Office at (888) 512-5863 if you require any assistance or if you have any questions!

    Participant User ID and Passwords
    Thank you for visiting the new IBEW Local 595 Trust Fund participant website. Your personal User ID and Password will be coming in the mail soon!

    COMING SOON, HEARING PROTECTION BENEFIT. Information and notification of the this new benefit will be forthcoming in May.

  • I have a question about my benefit information represented on the website?
    For any question about your personal fringe benefits or if you feel that your benefit information is being incorrectly represented on the website, please contact the fund office.

    How do I access my account information?
    To access your fringe benefit information, you will need to register with the 16 digit number that you received in the mail. If you have not received your login information by mail or no longer have it, please contact the fund office.

    Can I change my password to something else?
    Yes. We recommend that you do change your password to something you can easily remember.

    Your Benefits Resource
  • Your Benefits Resourse
    Health Care
    To view Documents and Forms please click here.
    For Links, please click here.

    Money Purchase Pension
    To view Documents and Forms please click here.
    For Links, please click here.

    To view Documents and Forms please click here.
    For Links, please click here.

    To view Documents and Forms please click here.
    For Links, please click here.
    Anthem - Machine Readable Files - In-Network and Out-of-Network
    EIN# 94-6085740
      For Links, please click here
    The information available below link is provided in good faith to comply with the Machine-Readable Files (MRF) provision of the Transparency in Coverage Final Rule (TCFR). These files are extensive collections of data to be ingested and read by machines and are not intended for member use. Access files [link] To learn more about the TCFR and the MRF provision, refer to this Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services page.
    Other Links

    And for more specific questions, please Contact Us.