Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Need To Call Us? - Benefit Office at  (419) 662-1388

How do I?
  • Your Benefits Resourse

    Fidelity has been informed that representative's from Northwestern Mutual Toledo Financial Advisors have been contacting NWOPP participants. These calls were NOT authorized by NWOPP, UA Local 50, or Fidelity.




    In accordance with IRS Regulations, this notice is intended to provide you with information related to obtaining a copy of your IRS Form 1095-B from the Northwestern Ohio Plumbers and Pipefitters Healthcare Plan (the "Plan"). Form 1095-B provides you with information about your healthcare coverage, including who was covered, and when the coverage was in effect.

    The Plan has elected not to send IRS Form 1095-B ("Health Coverage") for the current tax year, in accordance with IRS regulations. You do not need to file a Form 1095 with your federal tax return, but some members may need the form to comply with state reporting requirements.   

    Member and beneficiaries may request a copy of your Form 1095-B from the Plan via email, phone, or written request.  The Plan will mail you the form within 30 days of receiving your request, or email the form if you clearly indicate that you would like to receive the 1095-B electronically and provide a valid email address to send to. Please include your name and address in your request. The contact information to submit a request for Form 1095-B or for any questions you may have is:


     Northwestern Ohio Plumbers and Pipefitters Healthcare Plan, 7570 Caple Boulevard, Suite B, Northwood, Ohio 43619


    Email Address: 



     Participant Website Enhancement  


    The Participant Website has been enhanced to allow all participating members to register and create an account directly on the website!



    SupportLinc -

    Username:  nwopp50

    Password:  linc123  

    Hot Line 1 888 881 5462 

     24 hours a day - 7 days a week 


    Your healthcare Plan has an Employee Assistance Program, otherwise known as a behavioral health program. This is administered by CuraLinc Healthcare. This valuable benefit offers confidential, professional assistance for problems of concern to you and your immediate family members.  Your benefits through the SupportLinc include (but are not limited to) the following: 


    Short Term Counseling

    Legal Services

    Financial Services

    Dependent Care Referral Services


    In addition to in-person and telephonic services, a wide array of resources are available to you on the SupportLinc website.  Through this site, you and your family will have access to thousands of articles, tip sheets and videos covering a wide array of behavioral health and work-life topics. The site also contains child and elder care search engines, reference libraries, legal and financial resources, self-improvement programs and educational training modules. All requests for information or assistance through the program are a part of your benefits package, and held in strict confidence.  



    Effective immediately you can submit your Benny Card substantiation documents and claims for your Supplemental Credit Reimbursement Account (SCRA) via e-mail to


  • How do I add a new child or spouse as a dependent?
    If you acquire a new dependent from marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption, the dependent may become enrolled in the Plan as an eligible dependent if the Benefit Office is notified in writing within 30 days from the date of the marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption.
    If you do not notify the Benefit Office in writing during the 30-day Special Enrollment Period, coverage for your dependent will begin when you notify the Benefit Office in writing that you have acquired a dependent from marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption.  However, the coverage under the Plan will only be effective from the date the Benefit Office receives your written notification, NOT from the date of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption.    
    When do I become eligible for health benefits?
    You will be initially eligible for benefits beginning the month following the work month in which you completed the 160th hour worked in Covered Employment during two consecutive months.  
    What is a Plan Year?
    A Plan Year is a consecutive 12-month period running from January 1st to December 31st. The Fund uses Plan Years to determine many matters relating to the Plan.  
    Your Benefits Resource
  • Your Benefits Resourse
    Health Care
    To view Documents and Forms please click here
    For Links, please click here

    To view Documents and Forms please click here
    For Links, please click here

    To view Documents and Forms please click here.
    For Links, please click here

    Retiree Health
    To view Documents and Forms please click here.
     Price Comparison Tool
      β€œTo access our price comparison tool, please visit this website: Price Comparison Tool. If you have any questions or issues with creating your account, please contact your Benefit Office.”
     Machine Readable Files - In-Network and Out-of-Network

     Click here to access In Network and Out of Network Machine Readable Files.   To access the files, under NW Ohio Plumbers, copy the locations for each of the files into your browser. The allowed_amount_file is the out of network file.

    For In-Network and OON files, please click here

    These links lead to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

    And for more specific questions, please Contact Us.

    Other Links