You become a Participant in the Pension Plan when you are credited with 870 Hours
of Work in an eligibility computation period for a covered Employer.
Years of Credited Service are what determine benefit accrual. You earn one full
Year of Credited Service for each Plan Year in which you perform 1,740 or more Hours
of Work. For each Plan Year in which you are credited with more than 300 Hours of
Work, you will accrue a pro-rated fractional part of a Credit Year. For example,
if you performed 800 Hours of Work in a Plan Year, you will be credited with .46
Years of Credited Service
You will become entitled to benefits when you become "vested". You are vested if
you accrue at least five (5) Years of Vesting Service or five (5) Years of Credited
Service, which ever occurs first. When you become vested, you are entitled to certain
benefits from the Pension Fund that will be paid to you even if you stop working
for employers who are required to contribute to the Pension Plan under a collective
bargaining agreement with Local 292.
A Year of Vesting Service is 870 hours. A Year of Credited Service is 1740 hours.
A member cannot earn a partial Year of Vesting Service. But, a member can earn partial Credited Service for hours worked between 300 - 1740.
You may forfeit any accrued benefit you had earned up to that point. If you perform
fewer than 300 Hours of Work in a Plan Year, that is called a Break in Service year.
If your number of Break in Service years equals the greater of five or the number
of your accrued Vesting Years, you will suffer a permanent break in service and
lose all previously accrued benefit. There are ways you can reinstate these benefits
if you return to covered employment – please refer to the Summary Plan Description
for specific rules regarding reinstatement of lost service.
When you have reached age 65 and have accrued at least five (5) Vesting Years you
will be eligible for Normal retirement. You may be eligible for a reduced early
benefit once you have reached age 55 and accrued at least five (5) Vesting Years.
Under certain circumstances you may be eligible for an unreduced early benefit at
ages 58 or 62.
Contact the Fund office approximately 30 - 45 days prior to your retirement date
for an estimate of your benefit and the appropriate application. You will be required
to submit with your application a copy of birth certificates for yourself and your
spouse, your marriage certificate and, if you have ever been divorced, a complete
copy of your divorce decree(s). Your benefit cannot begin until all required documents
are received by the Fund, and you are responsible for obtaining those documents.
The Plan provides normal retirement benefits, early retirement (reduced or unreduced),
disability and death benefits.
Your spouse's entitlement to a benefit upon your death will depend on the option
of payment you chose at the time of your retirement. If you chose a Joint & Survivor
Option of Payment, your spouse will receive a portion of your benefit. If you chose
the Single Life Option of Payment, the there is no benefit payable upon your death.
Please see the Summary Plan Description for more details.
Prior to retirement, benefits that are payable upon your death are determined based
on your marital status and whether or not you are vested in the Plan at the time
of your death. Please refer to the Summary Plan Description for a detailed explanation
of the benefits available
Once per year, you will receive a statement of your accrued benefit. These statements
are prepared and mailed after the final contributions are received for the prior
Plan Year. The statement will show your total hours and vesting credits for the
previous Plan Year. It will also show your total service credits, your accrued benefit
and your vesting status. A Plan Year is a consecutive 12 month period running from
each April 1st to the next following March 31st.