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Weekly Benefits are as follows: (the same benefit rate applies for Work Compensation, Bereavement, and Jury Duty).
JR/APP $ 175.00
PROD A/B $ 80.00
PROD C $ 24.00
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A. | You will be eligible for benefits when you have accumulated 12 credits within a period of 24 consecutive months. Once you have initially qualified for eligibility by accumulating 12 credits, you continue to be eligible for benefits regardless of the number of credits maintained in the account.
Apprentices have to meet the same Eligibility Requirements as a journeyman of accumulating 12 credits within a period of 24 consecutive months.
Initial Eligibility is met immediately upon earning your 12thCredit.
Once the credits have been exhausted, you will immediately re-qualify for benefits upon earning an additional credit, unless no contributions are received as a result of work performed by you for 24 consecutive months, in which case you must reestablish initial eligibility.
If no contributions are received by the fund in your behalf for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months, all of your accumulated credits will be canceled. Also, if you fraudulently omit an important fact or make a false statement in your application for benefits, the Trustees may cancel your accumulated credits.
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A. | - For each work month in which your employer makes contributions to the Fund on your behalf for at least (120) hours of work, you will be credited with one (1)Credit.
- For each work month in which your employer makes contributions to the Fund on your behalf for at least (140) hours of work, you will be credited with two (2) Credits.
- No more than two (2) credits can be earned per month\ The maximum number of Credits which can be accumulated is twenty-six (26) Credits.
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A. | In order to be eligible to receive weekly benefits, you must meet the requirements for initial eligibility and meet the following requirements:
- Be unemployed by reason of layoff
- Workers’ Compensation Weekly Benefits
- Exhausted Michigan Unemployment Compensation
- Bereavement (death)
- Jury Duty
- Worked at least three (3) day for Out of Town Contractor
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- Report to Local 292 office and register for a job assignment within two days of lay-off.
- Must fill out appropriate forms.
- Must provide copy of State Unemployment Compensation check The receipt must be received by the Fund within thirty (30) days of the date on the unemployment compensation check.
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If authorized by the Trustees, the transfer shall be made respect to each employee who has established initial eligibility, and who has the number of credits to be transferred in his account at the time of transfer and who met any of the following four (4) criteria during the month of September of the year in which the transfer is to be made: (a) received benefits under this plan, (b) received Loss of Time Benefits from the Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 292 Welfare Fund, (c) was employed by an Employer, or (d) had retired during the preceding 24 months and was receiving a pension from the Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 292 Pension Fund
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A member is eligible and is considered available for work when he refuses work. Member is still able to collect SUB Benefits. However if he/she refuses work a second time he/she would not be considered available for work and would be ineligible to collect SUB Benefits.