Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Frequently Asked 401(k) Questions


How can I put money into my 401k Plan?


You may only contribute to the 401k Plan on a pre-tax basis through wage deductions up to the annual statutory limit. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Plan Administrator at (503) 224-0048 or (800) 547-4457, extension 1677, for an Enrollment Packet.


How can I change my existing investment fund allocations?


You may change your existing account balance's investment allocation via the web at or by contacting John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575, Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT. You will need your Personal Identification Number to access your account.


How can I change the allocation of my future contributions?


You may change your future contributions' investment direction via the web at or by contacting John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575, Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT. You will need your Personal Identification Number to access your account.


How can I get information on the mutual fund options?


Although your account is revalued daily, Prospectuses and fund fact sheets are available via the web at or by contacting John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575. Fund performance information is updated monthly.


How do I get a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?


You may request set up or request a new PIN via the web at or by contacting John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575, Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT. Without a PIN, to reach a customer service representative press 0.


How often should I expect to receive an account statement?


Quarterly. Participant Statements are mailed by the Plan's recordkeeper, John Hancock, to your address of record on or before the 15th day after the end of each calendar quarter.

To request a duplicate or replacement statement, please contact John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575, Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT or you may request that weekly, monthly or quarterly statements be emailed to you via the website The email statements will not replace the quarterly statement mailed to your home.

Contribution or loan payment statements may be requested from the Plan Administrator at (503) 224-0048 or (800) 547-4457, extension 1677. These statements are provided upon request only.


What taxes or penalties apply to my retirement plan distribution?


If you request a distribution payable to you, mandatory 20% federal income tax withholding will apply and if you live in CA, DE, GA, IA, KS, LA, ME, NC, MA, OK, OR, VT or VA, minimum mandatory state taxes will also apply. Furthermore, if you are under the age of 59½, you may incur an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty. The 10% early withdrawal penalty is not withheld from the distribution.

If you elect to rollover your account balance to an IRA or another qualified retirement plan, no taxes or penalties would apply at the time. Please note that some distributions are not eligible for rollover.

Specific questions relating to your individual situation should be directed to your tax advisor and we suggest that you read through the Special Tax Notice included with the Distribution Request Form.


Where will my check be mailed?


Whether you request a direct payment or a rollover, the distribution check will be mailed to your address of record by John Hancock, the Plan's record keeper.

If you requested a rollover distribution, upon receipt of the check it is your responsibility to promptly forward the check to the new plan or IRA custodian for deposit.


How can I change my name or address?


To change your name or address, please call the Plan Administator or complete the Name and Address Change Form. The completed form should be sent to the Plan Administrator at:

Western States 401k
PMB #116 5331 S Macadam Avenue, Suite 258
Portland, OR 97239

What will happen to my account if I should die?


If you should die before having received your entire account balance, the remaining balance is payable to your beneficiary(ies). Your spouse is automatically your beneficiary, unless you designate, and your spouse consents, in writing on the Beneficiary Designation Form to another beneficiary. Contact John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575, Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, or via the web at to request a Beneficiary Designation Form. Completed Designation Forms should be sent to the Plan Administrator at:

Western States 401k
PMB #116 5331 S Macadam Avenue, Suite 258
Portland, OR 97239

If you are unmarried at the time of your death, there is no designation form on file, or your named beneficiary died before you, the Plan requires that benefits be paid out to the following beneficiaries and contingent beneficiaries with priority in the following order:

  1. Spouse;
  2. Children and children of the deceased children, per stirpes, where children include natural, step and adopted children;
  3. Parents;
  4. Brothers and sisters and nephews and nieces, who are children of deceased brothers and sisters, per stirpes, and
  5. Participant’s estate.

What should I do if I'm going through a divorce?


If you are going through a divorce and expect that a portion of your 401k account will be awarded to your spouse, please contact the Plan Administrator at (503) 224-0048 or (800) 547-4457, extension 1677 and request a sample Domestic Relations Order.

There are specific requirements that a Domestic Relations Order must meet to be deemed Qualified under the Plan, the sample Order may be provided to your attorney as a guide in preparing your Order.

Furthermore, we recommend that you provide the Plan Administrator with a draft or preliminary copy of your Order prior to filing with the Court. The Plan Administrator and the Plan's legal counsel can review the preliminary Order to ensure that it meets the requirements necessary to be deemed a Qualified Domestic Relations Order under the Western States 401k Retirement Fund of the OPEIU.


How do I request a participant loan?


As of July 1, 2015, you are no longer able to request a participant loan.


How do I find out my current loan balance?


Contact John Hancock Benefits Complete at (800) 294-3575, Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, or via the web at


What if I miss a payment?


Your loan defaults at 90 days past due. If you default on a loan you may not have a new loan.