Thursday, January 16, 2025

Need To Call Us? - Benefit Office at  (925) 208-9995

How do I?
  • Your Benefits Resourse

    Within this website, you will now have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to commonly requested forms, useful highlighted links, and frequently asked questions regarding B.A.C. Local No. 3 Health & Welfare Trust Fund, B.A.C. Local No. 3 Pension Plan, B.A.C. Local No. 3 Defined Contribution Pension Plan,  and Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local No. 3 Vacation and Holiday Plan. As always, please feel free to contact the Benefit Fund Office at (925) 208-9995.

    Register today!  Quickly and securely register using our improved website registration process! Have your personal information at your fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!  Click on “Create an Account” above to get started. You will need to know your name, date of birth, SSN or Alternate ID, and zip code as they are recorded in the Trust Office.  Problems? Click on Contact Us. 


  • I have a question about my fringe benefit information represented on the website?
    For any question about your personal fringe benefits or if you feel that your benefit information is being incorrectly represented on the website, please contact the fund office or email

    How do I access my account information?
    To access your fringe benefit information, you will need to login with the username and password that you received in the mail. If you have not received your login information by mail or no longer have it, please contact

    How do I view my personal fringe benefit information after logging in to the website?
    Once you login with the username and password provided to you, the website will refresh with an additional tab - "My Benefits" on the top navigation bar. Please click on this tab and it will list your personal fringe benefit information.

    Can I change my password to something else?
    Yes. We recommend that you do change your user name and password to something you can easily remember.

    Your Benefits Resource
  • Your Benefits Resourse
    Health Care
    To view Documents and Forms please click here

    To view Documents and Forms please click here

    To view Documents and Forms please click here

    To view Documents and Forms please click here

    Other Links
    And for more specific questions, please Contact Us.