Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Frequently Asked Health Care Questions

Q. Who are my eligible dependents?
  • Your lawful spouse
  • Your Registered Domestic Partner
  • Your natural children up to age 26
  • Your legally adopted children up to age 26
  • Your step-children up to age 26
  • Your legal Ward - Child for whom you have been appointed legal guardian by court for length of guardianship or to age 26, which occurs first
Q. When do I become eligible for benefits?
A. You become eligible for benefits on the 1st day of the month in which the 3rd contribution is paid by your employer. These 3 contributions must be made within a 6 consecutive month period. Your employer is required to make contributions for employees who worked or are compensated for at least 80 hours of covered employment in the previous calendar month.

Example: If you are hired on April 5th and work at least 80 hours in April, then your employer will be required to make the 1st contribution for May. If you continue to work at least 80 per month and your employer pays for June and July, then your coverage will be effective on July 1st (3rd contribution).

Note: There are 2 exceptions to this initial eligibility rule for employees who transfer from another Teamster Fund or is an employee of a newly participating employer. Please contact the Trust Fund Office for information regarding these rules.
Q. How do I maintain my monthly Health Care coverage?
A. You must work at least 80 hours each month to continue Health Care coverage.
Q. What if I become Disabled?
A. If you become disabled due to an illness or accident that results in a Total Disability, your eligibility will continue at no charge through the end of the second calendar month following the month in which your disability ends (not to exceed 12 months), providing you submit proof of your Total Disability to the Benefit Fund Office.

You may elect COBRA to continue coverage after the 12 months are exhausted.
Q. What if I get called to Active Military Duty?
A. You may elect to continue coverage for yourself and your eligible dependents by paying COBRA for up to 24 months. However, no payment will be required if your period of service is less than 31 days.
Q. How do I add my new baby or spouse to my insurance plan?
A. You must submit other legal documentation to the Benefit office along with a completed Enrollment Form. You can download the Enrollment Form off of this website located under "Forms" and mail it into the Benefit Fund Office. You must enroll your new dependent within 90 days of birth, adoption, marriage or other important life changes.

Forms Required Are:
  • Spouse – copy of your original marriage certificate
  • Domestic Partner – Declaration of Domestic Partnership filed with Secretary of State or other local agency and notarized Affidavit of Domestic Partnership
  • Child – copy of your child’s original birth certificate
  • Step-child –copy of child’s original birth certificate
  • Adopted child –copy of legal decree of adoption
  • Legal Ward - original copy of legal guardianship documents (if temporary guardianship, status updates will be required to continue coverage).
Q. Whom should I contact if I'm getting a divorce and what documents do I need to submit?
A. Please call the Benefit Fund Office and advise the Eligibility and Pension Departments that you are getting a divorce or have already gotten divorced. You will also need to submit a FULL copy of your Dissolution of Marriage Judgment and QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) to this office.
Q. How do I obtain a replacement Prescription Card?
A. Please contact the Benefit Fund Office at: (855) 866-0941
Q. How do I obtain a replacement Medical Card?
A. Please contact the Benefit Fund Office at: (855) 866-0941
Q. Whom should I call if I have questions about my eligibility?
A. Please contact the Benefit Fund Office at: (855) 866-0941
Q. What if I don’t work enough hours to gain eligibility for the month?
A. If you fail to have the required employer contributions to continue Health Care coverage, you may be eligible to continue with COBRA Continuation Coverage. Please contact the Benefit Fund Office at: (855) 866-0941 for more information.
Q. Will my child(ren) who is/are age 19 through age 26 be covered under the Plan?
A. Yes, dependent children are eligible to remain on the coverage until the age of 26, regardless of student status.
Q. Whom should I contact for Family Medical Leave (FMLA)?
A. You should contact your employer. If your employer approves a leave under the terms of FMLA, coverage for you and your eligible dependents will continue until the expiration of the FMLA leave or date you give notice to your employer that you do not intend to return to work at the end of the leave.