The information provided on this page is a brief description of the Benefit Plans
offered to participants under the Southern California Soft Drink Industry and Teamsters
Health and Welfare Fund. For detailed information on the Prescription Drug options
available to you, including copays and participating pharmacies, please log-in and
download the Plan’s Summary Plan Description in the Documents/Forms section of this
Prescription Benefits For Active Employees, Dependents
And Retirees
The Southern California Soft Drink Industry and Teamsters Health and Welfare Trust
Fund maintains this Prescription Drug Plan to help cover many of the costs of your
family’s Prescription Drug needs. The Trust Fund contracts with Optum Rx to provide
a network of pharmacies from which you may obtain your prescriptions.
All active Participants and their Dependents are covered under the Prescription
Drug Plan. If you are enrolled in a Prepaid HMO Plan you must receive drugs and
medications through the Prescription Drug Plan and not through your prepaid HMO
Plan. No benefits will be paid for drugs and medications furnished through a Prepaid
HMO Plan.
Retirees and their Dependents are also covered under the Prescription Drug Plan,
except those who are entitled to Medicare and are covered by a Prepaid HMO Plan.
If you are a Retiree and you or any Dependent is both Medicare eligible and enrolled
in a Prepaid HMO Plan, then you or your Dependent must obtain drugs and medications
through your Prepaid HMO Plan.
The Optum Rx mail order prescription program is a convenient and inexpensive way
for you and your Dependents to order any covered maintenance Prescription Drug for
direct delivery to your home.